Address: East of Gage, Oklahoma 73832CountyEllis
Started Completed 

Current Usage


The Gage Swimming Pool is a rectangular shaped pool (234′ x 101′) with three sides constructed of poured cement sloping from the south end. The bottom of the pool is earth filled. The sides of the pool have been refurbished and a concrete diving platform is placed at the north end of the pool. A new concrete slab surrounds the pool. The original bathhouse/concession stand on the west side of the pool had been altered by the addition of a partial wood facade.
The WPA constructed swimming pool is an outstanding resource to the community inasmuch as it is, and has been for almost fifty years, the only recreational facility of its kind in Gage and the surrounding area. Authorized and completed when the depression and the dust bowl had blighted the quality of life in general and individual aspirations in particular, the swimming pool and other WPA projects infused money and pride into the community. The pool alone permitted the agency to employ approximately 38,000 man-hours of labor, employment that alleviated destitution and created a resource that improved the quality of life in Gage.[1]


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Ellis County – Gage Swimming Pool
