Address: Vicinity of Wilburton, Oklahoma County: Latimer
Started: 1937Completed: 1940

Current Usage:

Wall and Stadium


The athletic field at Eastern Oklahoma State College is composed of a football gridiron and a red cinder track. Rectangular (278′ x 14′) in design and situated on the north edge of the field, the stadium is constructed of undressed and uncoursed native sandstone as well as poured concret. The stands rise in three tiers, with the exception of a center section where they rise to six tiers. Beneath the central portion there is space sufficient for a dressing room.
The athletic field and stadium at Eastern Oklahoma State College was the most modest of that type of facility constructed by the WPA in southeastern Oklahoma. It is significant in that it demonstrates the willingness of the agency to define “useful” projects in the broadest of terms. For the college the facility meant that students could participate in intercollegiate athletics for the first time–and for the next 50 years. Within the Wilburton community the field and stadium is unique architecturally at to type, workmanship and materials. The facility is especially significant because it was a part of a massive program of public works that kept destitute residents of the region from starving during the 1930s.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: The nominated property begins 309 feet north of the SE corner of Sec. 7, T 5 N, R 19 E, and goes 418 feet north, 627 feet west, 418 feet south and 627 feet east.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Latimer County – Eastern Oklahoma State College Athletic Field and Stadium
