Address: County Adair
Started: Completed 1939

Current Usage


A single story rectangular shaped ( 45 x 75 ) structure, the Christie school is constructed of cut native stone with random ashlar masonry. The hipped roof has a center gable which forms a porch over the arched and recessed front entryway. The upper portion of the original windows are filled with cement blocks and smaller energy efficient metal sash windows installed. The windows are grouped into bands with concrete sills. A rock wall located east of the building stretches 205 feet. Concrete block additions to both sides of the building impair the integrity of the structure.
Construction of the Christie school provided an economic stimulus to the community by providing work for depression stricken farmers whose wages were infused back into the local economy thus easing the burdens of a limited money supply. Its construction fostered a sense of community pride and achievement when those qualities were not widely in evidence.[1]

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Go approximately 8 1/2 miles west of Westville on U.S. highway 62 to a 208 square foot tract in the NE corner of Sec. 13, T 17 N, R 24 E.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Adair County – Christie School
