Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Watts Community Building – Watts

Address: Main and Second Streets, Watts, Oklahoma 040, Adair County 001 County Adair
Started: Completed 1936

Current Usage:



This rectangular shaped (87′ x 48′) structure is constructed from uncut random rubble with crude masonry. It has a gambrel-like roof with wood siding in the gable. There is only one entryway located on the south end of the structure having double doors and transom. Windows are singly placed 6/6 wood sash.
SIGNIFICANCE: 1936; builder/architect: unknown
This structure was built in the early days of the WPA’s existence. This is reflected in the crude masonry and simple design of the building. Construction of this building and a surrounding park provided 62,000 manhours of labor for depression stricken residents of Watts and the surrounding area. These wages were infused back into the local economy helping to ease the problems of the limited money supply. Employment preserved a sense of pride for many men who might otherwise have been unable to adequately feed and clothe their families.[1]

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: From the intersection of Main and Second Streets, go north 110 feet, east 65 feet, south 110 feet, and west 65 feet, in Block 12, Watts original.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Adair County – Watts Community Building


1 Comment

  1. Rena Woods

    It warmed my heart seeing the picture of the old building. As a teen, we were bused there for
    basketball practice and later it was converted to the Community skating rink. Spent many
    happy evenings skating and falling in love with my husband to be.

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