Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Shannon Springs Park – Chickasha

Address: Shannon Springs Park Chickasha, OK 73018County:Grady
Started: Completed: 1939
Agencies:WPA, CCCNRHP:No

Current Usage: 

Community park; Annual Festival of Lights held from Thanksgiving to New Year’s.



“In the late 1800s, the Shannon Springs artesian well was used as a watering hole on the Chisholm Trail, bringing cattle from Texas to the railheads up north. This park was established at the site of these springs, at least during the first years of the 1900s, and perhaps before that.

This is a 43-acre park with a very large lake, in which fishing is allowed. Evidence of the work of the WPA is seen everywhere. Low walls and drainage ditches made of native sandstone border the curving driveways. Occasional stone pillars bear the WPA engraving. Work was done between 1936 and 1939.

At the southwest end of the lake, a lovely stone bridge spans the water, which is still used today. A native sandstone caretaker’s cottage, a bathhouse and a park warehouse, as well as a large amphitheater, are still in use today.

The layout, ground work, and stone structures provide an idyllic setting for rest and recreation, and well worth your visit.

The park is listed on the Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory database.”    (

Bath House

“Shannon Springs Park is a large recreational area, constructed also by the [Works Progress Administration] WPA. With its ponds, playground, sports areas,and amphitheater, it is the center of many activities throughout the year. The large Christmas Light display in December brings tens of thousands.

“The original swimming pool is gone, but the WPA-constructed bathhouse stands today. Built in 1935 with an appropriation of $11,479, this is a one-story concrete block building, with a Spanish Mission flavor. In 1987 when the building was added to the Oklahoma Landmark Database, the building was boarded up and in disrepair. Today, it has been refurbished, is painted pink and white, and is used as a recreation center and community building.

“Some windows are fixed pain, and others are double-hung. A set of double doors facing west, are flanked by the original wood side lights, each segmented into four panes. Above the entrance, and at the corners and points of change in the wall formation, are columns topped with decorative parapets at the roof line, in the Mission style.”

“Shannon Springs Park dates back to the early 1900s, but in the mid-1930s, the WPA constructed many things in the park, including this lovely amphitheater.

The seats are constructed of native sandstone, in two sections, with a center and outside aisles. The semi-circular stage area is also made of stone. A WPA shield in concrete showing the year 1939 is located on the back side of the stage area, and numerous shields have been engraved in the concrete walkways.

The amphitheater is still actively in use today, and can be rented for an event by contacting the City of Chickasha. It is used for concerts, and also an Easter morning celebration service.

The amphitheater is mentioned in the park listing in the Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory database.”   (

Caretaker’s House

“The caretaker’s house is a one-story native sandstone building, with a steep gable roof with reverse gables on the north and south. The entrance is on the southeast corner and has a covered porch. The house stands higher than the parking area, and has a low stone wall and stone steps leading to the house level. On the north side, a metal door leads to an area beneath the ground floor of the home. This area has no windows. The two-over-two windows in the main house have been replaced with aluminum framing.

Several years ago, the building was used as a VFW post, but we saw no evidence currently of that use.

The stone wall and entrance to the house have a WPA shield indicating 1936, but the house is listed as 1940 in the Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory database.”   (
Stone Bridge

“During the mid-1930s, the WPA constructed many items in Shannon Springs Park, including walls and drainage ditches, a caretaker’s cottage and bathhouse, an amphitheater and this beautiful stone bridge. A concrete WPA shield shows the date 1936.

The bridge crosses the park lake and has both pedestrian and vehicle access. Stone pillars rise at each end on both sides of the bridge. The bridge has a curved top with a decorative iron railing.

The view of this bridge from across the lake, with the trees framing it, and geese and ducks enjoying the scenery, is a beautiful sight.

The park, with its numerous WPA construction, is listed on the Oklahoma Landmark Inventory Database.”   (


“This is a rectangular native stone building, with no windows. Two graduated rows of stone are added at the roof line on each corner. On the east side of the front of the building, as large opening which once had a metal sliding door, has been fitted with an overhead door.

Above the door and on the upper wall on each end, is a concrete inset engraved “WPA 1938″.

The building appears to still be in use today. It is listed on the Oklahoma landmarks Inventory database.”   (

Historic Background

Many people have asked where the name Shannon Springs comes from and after some research this is what I have found about the history:

The area around the current park of Shannon Springs was first an allotment of W.T. (Billy) Shanoan and his wife Nora Mayes, who was a member of the Chickasaw-Choctaw tribes. This allotment was from 4th street in Chickasha to just past the springs. The Shanoans built a wooden box around the spring and the water was used for this outflow, producing a flow of 250 gallons per hour. By 1914 the Shanoans sold this property to W.A. (Will) Hopkins, who built a residence that was later replaced with the present Shanoan Nursing Homes. The Hopkins family originally moved from Minco and open a meat market on south 2nd street. Since the springs produced so much good clean water, the Hopkins family added a concrete drainage and they sold the water in jugs. It has also been stated that the Hopkins family were the first to build a swimming pool on the property as well as a baseball park that hosted the Street Cars sandlot baseball team. Sometime between 1914 and 1921 the Hopkins family turned the property over to the city for a municipal park.                

In 1921, the city council voted to spend $18,000 for improvements for the park. In 1923, the Western Engineering of Oklahoma City and Lawton obtained a contract for the construction of a swimming pool at the park. Then during the depression several structures were built using different New Deal funds, these included the native stone bridge, an amphitheater, a machinery shed, bathhouse and some 200 feet of rock wall. There was also a zoo established during this period.[11]


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination
  2. The Living New Deal – Park
  3. The Living New Deal – Bath House
  4. The Living New Deal – Amphitheater
  5. The Living New Deal – Caretaker’s House
  6. The Living New Deal – Stone Bridge
  7. The Living New Deal – Warehouse
  11. Chickasha Oklahoma 1892-1992 : Our First One Hundred Years. 1992. Chickasha Okla: Chickasha Centennial Committee : Printed by D & R Print Shop.

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  1. Lorri Rogers

    Thank you for this awesome history. Just perfect

  2. Lisa nealey

    How and why is this called “Shannon” springs?

  3. Lisa Nealey

    Where does the Shannon part come from?

  4. Pauline Stottman Bruce!

    What ever happened to the little jail, at the park? We used to play in it, and I used to see the few animals at the little zoo there too! What all happened to it? I was born in Chickasha, and when I have been there, I noticed so many things have changed!! Thanks 🙏 For The Memories!!!

    • gsullaway

      This is good information, of which I do not have the answer in reference to the little jail. I will have to dig more research to find this information.

    • K. Nix

      I grew up in Minco. I remember playing in the small jailhouse when I was a kid. I’d like to know what happened to it, too.

  5. Rachele Saunier

    Do you need a fishing license to fish and how old do you have to be?

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