Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Old Bokoshe School – Bokoshe

Address: Vicinity of Bokoshe, OklahomaCounty: Leflore
Started: Completed: 1937

Current Usage:


A three-room building originally, the Old Bokoshe school is a single story, L-shaped (77′ x 24′, with 10′ x 30′ horizontal extension) structure constructed of undressed and uncoursed native sandstone. The roof, now covered with composition shingles, is gabled with an intersecting hip and valley. The centrally located front entry is recessed with an archway; a corner front entry is covered by a porch. Wood double-sash windows resting on concrete sills reach to the eaves. In the rear, a portion of one window opening and the wall below has been removed to permit installation of a metal garage door. This alteration does not impeach the integrity of the building, which otherwise is superbly maintained.
Architecturally the building is unique within the community in terms of its type, style, scale, materials and workmanship. Relative to other WPA constructed school buildings, the floor plan is itself exceptional, especially the corner entryway of the northwest front corner. The school building is also significant because construction of it provided work opportunities and some economic security for destitute laborers who had for too long been on relief rolls. It also stimulated an enthusiasm for education previously curtailed due to the dilapidated nature of the wood school house utilized before construction of the new one by the WPA.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: One-half mile west of Bokoshe on state highway No. 33, go north on paved county road two miles and then east on an unpaved road one mile. The building is on property that begins at the NW corner of Sec. 33, T 9 N, R 24 E, and goes east 70 yards, south 140 yards, west 70 yards, and north 140 yards.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Leflore County – Old Bokoshe School


1 Comment

  1. James Smith

    I, James Smith and Elizabeth, bought the old school house in 2024, with plans to develop it into a residence. If anyone has photos of the school in the past, I would like to get a copy. James Smith, 310 Noble Street, Poteau Ok 74953. I will ad a photo of the building when completed.

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