Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Dunbar Schoolhouse – Madill

Address: 511 N. 6th Street, Madill, OklahomaCounty: Marshall
Started: Completed: 1939

Current Usage:

Private Residence


The old Dunbar Schoolhouse is a single-story, rectangular shaped (71′ x 34′) cut and coursed stone building. Masonry is crude. The structure, which contains two rooms and an auditorium, has a stepped, gabled roof and a center gable. The windows, with concrete sills, have been altered with wood insets. The front entry is recessed inside a stone arch. A concrete inset is placed over the entry which states the name of the school–“DUNBAR.” A brick addition on the south end does not impair the integrity of the structure, but three gable dormer windows do.
Dunbar School was built for the black children in Madill. The building that they had previously had neither water, lights, nor gas. The new building was fully modern and much more conducive to learning. It is significant that without federal aid the project would probably not have been undertaken. Construction of the building also provided jobs for workers suffering from the Depression. Unique in type, style, and workmanship, Dunbar School was a truly beneficial project.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: All of Block 83, Madill original

Coordinates: 34.097844, -96.765803


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination
  2. listing

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Marshall County – Dunbar School



  1. Rene Holgen

    I have been working on my family genealogy records and have found that most of my Aunts and Uncles attended this school before schools were segregated.
    During my research, I realized that School records can sometimes offer a wealth of information for families but I have no ideal what has become of Dunbar’s School Records. They may have been tossed.
    Does anyone have any advise on how I could go about locating any information of this school’s student records. I did try the department of education but with little luck.
    Any suggestions are appreciated.

    • Shaylah

      This school, turned home, is actually for sale for a little over $100,000. I came across it on Zillow and wanted to do some research. Seen your comment and figured I would share with you.

      • Brian

        The house was foreclosed on and was ransacked. Needs industrial AC work and huge investment.

  2. Clarence Hudson

    I attended Dunbar 1956 to 1958. Ms Washington was my teacher.

    • gsullaway

      That is very interesting and although I do not have enough historic reference to this project, I would be very interested in knowing some of your story of attending school and the struggles if any you had during this period of history. Thanks for sharing.

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