Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Red Hill Park Bathhouse and Swimming Pool – Purcell

Address: 2nd and Polk Streets, Purcell, Oklahoma County: McClain
Started: Completed: 1938

Current Usage:


The Red Hill Park Bath House was originally a rectangular building (26′ X 60′) and was constructed of red brick. The roof was gabled and under the eaves were located small windows. Men’s and women’s dressing rooms were separated by a “breeze way” that led to the pool area.
The swimming pool measured 105 feet in length and 44 feet in width. It was constructed of poured concrete.
Over time the bath house has been altered to include a cross gable on the front that extended over a vertical addition to the original building. This alteration and the fact that the pool is abandoned and grown up with weeds dictated that the facility not be nominated to the national register.
The significance of the bath house and swimming pool is that they reflected the varied character of the WPA construction program, including such structures as useful.” Of course, building the house and pool provided needed jobs to workers made destitute by the national depression.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 and 2, Block 30, Purcell original plat.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties McClain County – Red Hill Park Bathhouse and Swimming Pool



  1. Shelly Fielder

    When was the old pool filled in?

  2. Shelley Chandler

    I drove by there today. Both the big pool and the kiddie pool have been filled in. A splash pad and small park now sit on at least part of the site

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