Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Simpson School – Eufaula (Vic)

Address: Vicinity of Eufaula, OklahomaCounty McIntosh
Started: Completed 1936

Current Usage

Private Property


This three-room school is a single-story, rectangular (26′ x 54′) structure constructed of uncut native stone of buff and auburn colors with masonry of random rubble. The roof is gabled with a center gable over the entrance. The main door is recessed behind an archway. All the windows have concrete sills and the windows in the back reach to the eaves. The cement in between the rocks has been painted white, which gives it a beaded look, though it is not actually beaded. All of the windows contain partial wood inserts. The alterations do not impeach the integrity of the building.
This small school is exceptional for its quality of workmanship that reaches the level of art. The strategic placement of the different colors of stone beautify this quaint little school in this rural and remote area. Construction of the school provided jobs for destitute workers in search of economic security and infused wages of some 20,000 man-hours of labor into the local economy. It also created a new environment conducive to learning for children that were deprived of such an atmosphere earlier.[1]

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Go west of Eufaula on state highway 9 some 7.5 miles then continue west on county road 1 mile then north 1 mile to the school site, which is on a 1 acre square tract in the NW corner of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 33, T 10 N, R 15 E.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties McIntosh County – Simpson School


1 Comment

  1. Patti

    My brother-in-law and his wife just purchased this school-turned-to-house WPA built in 1936. It now sits on 3-acres and still has the old cook shack there.

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