Address: | Vicinity of Webbers Falls, Oklahoma | County | Muskogee |
Started: | Completed | 1939 | |
Agencies: | WPA | NRHP: | No |
Current Usage
The Sims School building is a single story, rectangular structure constructed of tooled but uncoursed native stone blocks. The mortar is beaded. The roof is hipped with an intersecting cross center gable that extends to cover a recessed front entryway of two single doors. A rear on the north end of the west wall is reached by steps lined by sidewalls. On the rear window openings extend to the eaves. Unfortunately those windows have been enclosed with cinder blocks and smaller, energy efficient windows installed. This alteration has compromised the integrity of the building.
The Sims school is another example of a structure that had a two fold purpose: to improve the quality of education in a rural and remote area and to provide jobs for unemployed and unskilled workers so that they could provide for their families and in so doing stimulate the depressed economy of the local business community. The Sims school did both. Architecturally it is notable for its cut but unrusticated stone blocks and for its portrayal of WPA vernacular styles.[1]
VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Go four miles west and three miles south of Webbers Falls, the school property being a 208 square foot tract in the southwest corner of Sec. 4, T 11 N, R 20 E.
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