Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Hoffman School – Hoffman

Address: Fourth Street and School Road, Hoffman, OklahomaCounty: Okmulgee
Started: Completed: 1941

Current Usage:



This school of four rooms is a rectangular (99′ x 55′) structure constructed of cut, uncoursed, native stone of auburn and buff colors. The strategic placement of the different colors of stone raises the masonry to the level of art. The roof is gabled. There is a center gable over the main entrance on the west side of the school. This entrance and the entrances on the north and south sides are recessed behind archways. The are large windows that reach to the eaves. The smaller widows and the larger widows have concrete sills. The large windows have brown wooden inserts and smaller, more energy-efficient windows have been installed. The small size windows also contain brown wooden inserts, completely obstructing their view. These alterations do not impeach the integrity of the building.
This school is unique in terms of type, style, scale, and especially workmanship and materials. The use of auburn and buff colored stone is quite unique to Okmulgee County. It is also exceptional for its quality of workmanship. Moreover, construction of the school enhanced educational opportunities in Hoffman. It also gave jobs to those desperately in need, giving them an income that prevented starvation. The WPA also infused wages of some 11,000 man-hours of labor into Hoffman’s local economy.


  1. The Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination
  2. The Living New Deal
  3. My Indian Territory School by Mickey J. “Mike” Martin, February 24, 2012

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Okmulgee County – Hoffman School



  1. Mickey J. "Mike" Martin

    My history of Hoffman and Hoffman School should be mentioned in connection with the WPA school at Hoffman.

    • gsullaway


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