Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Greyhorse School and Gym – Fairfax (Vic)

Address: Vicinity of Fairfax, OklahomaCounty: Osage
Started: Completed: 1938

Current Usage:



Consisting initially of four rooms plus the gym, the Greyhorse School is L-shaped (65′ x 128′ vertically, with a 43′ x 47′ extension) and constructed of both rusticated and coursed as well as untooled and randomly laid native sandstone. Entryway facades, corners and pilasters on the gymnasium are of rusticated and coursed stone, while the rest is of colorful untooled native rock. The roof is flat with parapets, Window sills, continuous lintels, friezes and wall caps are of cut limestone. Doors are recessed behind archways, and windows are wood sash. One window on the west is filled with concrete blocks, while one on the east is filled with a wood insert. Neither of these alterations affect the architectural integrity of the building.
As a rural WPA building, this structure is unique with regard to size and its construction of two different rock types (cut and uncut stone). Within the community it is notable in terms of type, style, materials and workmanship. Indeed, Greyhorse is an Osage Indian settlement with no building camparable to that of the school; the identification of the Indians with the school in itself makes the structure important. After its construction the school had a student body made up in large part of Osage children. Moreover, the Osages were some of those destitute and unemployed laboreres who were given job opportunities when the school was constructed. The economic security that thus accrues to them, after long months of virtual starvation, makes the Greyhorse school building especially significant.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Situated four miles southeast of Fairfax on paved county roads, the Greyhorse school property is 2 acres in the NE 1/4, NW 1/4, NW 1/4 in Sec. 22, T 24 N, R 6 E

Architect: Albert Joseph Love, Tulsa

Another good source even through it does not mention the WPA era buildings is the book:

Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI, By David Grann


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination
  2. The Living New Deal
  3. Oklahoma Historical Society Encyclopedia, Gray Horse
  4. Geocaching – Gray Horse School
  5. Oklahoma Historical Society, Osage County WPA Region Report
  6. Abandoned Ok

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Osage County – Greyhorse School and Gym



  1. Darla Ritter

    Do you think there will ever be an opportunity for people with metal detectors come in and detect the property. It would be neat to have a large group grid it and detect.
    I would understand if its not possible.

    • gsullaway

      This site is solely used to research these structures and is not responsible for the property. You would have to ask the property owners this question.

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