Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Haywood School – Haywood

Address: Vicinity of Haywood, OklahomaCounty: Pittsburg
Started: Completed: 1939

Current Usage:

School Property


A building of some eight classrooms, the Haywood school is a single story, rectangular (54′ x 145′) structure constructed generally of untooled and uncoursed native sandstone. Beneath the front windows, however, the stone is laid in courses for artistic effect. Mortar is beaded. The roof is flat with parapets; doors are recessed behind archways. Windows, which reach to the level of interior ceilings, sit on concrete sills and are placed by threes, with the exception of the central segment of the building where they are set singly in arches.
The school building is significant because architecturally it is unique within the community in terms of style, type, scale, materials and workmanship. As a rural WPA school building, it is remarkable for its scale and arched window openings on the front. It is notable too because it constituted the genesis of modern education in the area and remains the principal focus of it. The building is especially significant because construction of it alleviated some of the effects of the depression for unemployed coal miners and destitute small farmers by providing them a work opportunity and a measure of self respect.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Situated on the east side of the paved county road between state highway No. 31 and the railroad tracks, the school property begins at a point 209 feet north and 309 feet east of the SW corner of Sec. 21, T 5 N, R 13 E, and runs 209 feet north, 209 feet east, 209 feet south and 209 feet west.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Pittsburg County – Haywood School



  1. Stephanie

    I attended Haywood school in the 1970’s. My mother also attended Haywood. My grandmother, great aunts and uncle graduated high school from Haywood and their grandfather helped build the school. It is so sad seeing that building is now gone and what passes now for Haywood school. 🙁

  2. Thomas Furman

    Any chance you might have access to a 1920 – 1922 Haywood High School yearbook or class photo?

    • gsullaway

      No I do not have access to yearbooks, you might try Oklahoma’s Digital Prairie, here is the link.

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