Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Napier School (former) – Ada

Address:Ada, OklahomaCountyPontotoc
Started Completed 1940

Current Usage:

Baptist Church


“Napier School is a one-story 8-room school that is T-shaped. Vertically it is 186′ and horizontally 153′. The main entrance is located in a slightly projected bay, with fluted pillars flanking the doors. A wide 4-step staircase with low side walls leads to the entrance. The parapet is stepped and a concrete belt course runs around the building just below the roof line. Today, on the front elevation, the brick is painted white below this belt course, and red above. Many windows have been bricked in. The ribbon windows which remain have the upper pains painted. The brick on the sides and rear of the building has been left natural.[1]

Built for black students, [during segregation era], Napier School is one of the more attractive schools in the area. It is significant that it was built by unemployed residents at a time when the district could ill afford such an undertaking with federal aid. Construction undoubtedly kept many workers off the dole while at the same time providing black school children excellent facilities for learning. Noteworthy for its scale, type, style, and workmanship, Napier School has done much to promote community pride among area black residents.[2]


  1. The Living New Deal
  2. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Pontotoc County – Napier High School


1 Comment

  1. Malinda graham

    I am looking for Napier school yearbooks..

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