Address: Vicinity of Shawnee, OklahomaCounty:Pottawatomie
Started: Completed: 1936

Current Usage:



The Fairview Cemetery Fence at Shawnee is constructed of untooled and uncoursed native sandstone. It is a double rock fence that measures two feet wide and some five feet high. The fence extends for some 1320 feet, although it is interrupted on two occasions by gates. Gate posts are thirteen feet high.
Cemetery improvements were among the first authorized and completed by the WPA. They constituted useful projects that could be undertaken immediately by unskilled labor, putting to work 1000s of unemployed laborers during the hard winter of 1935-1936. Such projects saved the lives of hundreds. The Fairview Cemetery Fence is symbolic of the social value of its construction. It is also significant because of its sheer length and the quality of workmanship displayed.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Located on the north edge of Shawnee, the cemetery fence occupies the western 20 feet of the N 1/2, SW 1/4, NW 1/4, Sec. 17, T 10 N, R 4 E.


  1. The Living New Deal

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Pottawatomie County – Fairview Cemetery Fence
