Address: Vicinity of Bushyhead, Oklahoma County: Rogers
Started: Completed: 1938

Current Usage:


This WPA project has eight rooms or more and is a single-story, rectangular (122′ x 108′) structure constructed of red brick. The masonry is running bond. The school roof is flat, while the gymnasium roof is arched. Both have parapets. The school entrance has pilasters that reflect an art deco style. The gymnasium’s entrance has been made into a garage door. The windows on the school have white board inserts. The gymnasium windows, which have brick lentils, have been knocked out.
This structure is significant because it gave educational opportunities to children in a rural area and provided work for destitute laborers when they most needed it. Nothing in the area can compare to this structure in scale. It is also unique in terms of style, type, and workmanship.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: The school and gym are within a 2 acre tract in the northeast corner of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 21, T 23 N, R 17 E.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Rogers County – Bushyhead School, Gym and Auditorium
