Address: Vic. Ketchum, Oklahoma  County Delaware
Started: 1936Completed 1938

Current Usage


The old Baker School building is a four room, rectangular structure and constructed of uncut and uncoursed native stone. The roof is hipped. Window openings, singly placed, reach to the eaves and have preformed concrete sills and lintels. The main entryway is enclosed by a cinder block addition and the south end and east side of the structure are obscured by cinder block room additions. These alterations impair the architectural integrity of the structure.
The Baker School building, located in a remote and rural area, initiated a revival of educational enthusiasm among its patrons. Construction by the WPA also provided job opportunities for unskilled agriculturalists who were on the verge of destitution because of the national depression, the wages for whom were then spent in the local community enabling it to stave off some of the ill effects of the economic disaster. The building is notable in the region for its traditional WPA, vernacular architecture.[1]

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Go east from Ketchum to the southwest corner of Sec. 29, T 24 N, R 22 E, then go 208 feet east, 416 feet north, 208 feet west, and 416 feet south.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Delaware County – Baker School
