Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Brent School – Sallisaw (Vic)

Address: Vicinity of Sallisaw, Oklahoma County: Sequoyah
Started: Completed: 1940

Current Usage:


This single story rectangular structure measures 60 feet by 25 feet and is constructed of wood clapboard siding and rests upon a stone foundation. The roof is hipped with a center gable, which forms a portico, and dentils. The double door front entry is centered under the portico and single door entries are located on either end of the building. Windows are double­hung, wood sash and singly placed. The replacement of the rear entryway with wood siding has destroyed the integrity of the building and disqualifies it for inclusion on the National Register.
This school is unique as a WPA building, especially in northeast Oklahoma, in that it is constructed of wood. It provided educational facilities for area children and its construction provided jobs for the impoverished population during the depression. It remains today as a symbol, although not widely recognized, of an enlightened federal policy that was committed to preserving self-esteem as much as an economic system.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Situated 4.5 miles west of Gans on state highway 141, the property is located in the SW 1/4, Sec. 33, T 11 N, R 24 E.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Sequoyah County – Brent School


1 Comment

  1. Annouk

    Does anyone have a more precise address please? I can’t find the building on maps …

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