Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Cambria School – Hartshorne (Vic)

Address: Vicinity of Hartshorne, Oklahoma County: Latimer
Started: Completed: 1937
Agencies:WPANRHP:September 8, 1988

Current Usage:

Private Residence


A two room building originally, the Cambria school is a single story, rectangular (28′ x 68′) structure with an offset and is constructed of rusticated and coursed native sandstone. The roof ,now covered with tin sheets, is gabled with one step; the recessed front entryway is beneath an intersecting gable that serves as a porch. The porch roof is supported by four shafts connected by rails. Classroom window openings with concrete sills have been reduced in size on the rear with wood inserts and metal sash windows installed. Windows on the front have been covered with plywood sheets. The alterations do not impeach the integrity of the building.
The Cambria community was particularly hard hit by the depression which closed the coal mines in the area. Construction of the school building, therefore, provided work opportunities for destitute laborers on the verge of starvation. It also tended to revive community pride, especially because the structure provided a better environment for the educational processes so important to future generations. Architecturally the building is unique in the Cambria area because of its type, Richardsonian style, scale, materials and workmanship.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Follow U.S. highway No. 270 east out of Hartshorne to the Latimer County line and at the first county road that goes north, turn left and follow it for one quarter of one mile, or to the first county road that turns back west. The school property is on the south side of the road, being a two acre tract 208.7 feet by 208.7 feet in the NE corner of the NE 1/4, of the NW 1/4, of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 27, T 5 N, R 17 E.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination
  2. National Register of Historic Places

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Latimer County – Cambria School
  2. National Register of Historic Places Support Document
  3. National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form



  1. Jerry Sultuska

    Only went to school there 2 or 3 years in the early 50 s,Loved every minute of it.Everyone was so nice.will never forget my time there.👍❤️

    • Tina Sims

      do you have any pictures of your time at Cambria? My husband and I have purchased it and would love to see old pictures or hear about the inside layout.

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