Address: Vicinity of Eufaula, Oklahoma. County McIntosh
Started: Completed 1937

Current Usage


A building of two rooms, Deeres Chapel School is a single-story, rectangular (68′ x 28′) building constructed of uncut native stone of auburn and buff colors. The beaded masonry of the school is random rubble, and a unique design was made in the construction of this particular building. With a new cover, the roof is gabled with an intersecting center gable over the entrance supported by wooden pediments. The gabled roof has been extended on the south and east sides. A garage is attached to the north side. An addition is also attached to the east side. The doors are new and are located under the extended gable roof areas. New energy-efficient windows were installed in the reduced window openings. The alterations impeach the integrity of the school.
This school is unique in terms of type, style, scale, materials, and workmanship. It is quite unique within the Deeres Chapel community. Construction of it is also significant because it provided work for destitute laborers badly in need of it at a time when such opportunities were few. Educationally, this school created a new environment conducive to learning in this rural area of McIntosh County.[1]

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Go west of Eufaula on highway no. 9 some 5.5 miles to the school site. At that intersection, go north 85 feet where the school begins; go 68 feet north, 28 feet west, 68 feet south, 28 feet east to the point of beginning in the SW corner of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 36, T 10 N, R 15 E.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties McIntosh County – Deeres Chapel School
