Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Delaware School – Jay (Vic)

Address: Vicinity of Jay, OklahomaCounty Delaware
Started: Completed 1938

Current Usage


This rectangular shaped (60′ x 34′) building is constructed of uncut and uncoursed native stone with a porous texture. The mortar is beaded. The roof is gabled with projecting eaves and a center gable which combines with an extension of the roof to form a porch supported by columns on piers. Two single door entries with concrete lintels are located under the porch. Double-hung wood sash windows are grouped into bands and pairs that reach to the eaves with continous concrete sills and lintels. A wooden belvedere is a most unusual feature of this vernacular structure.
The Delaware school is significant because it brought modern educational facilities to the rural children of the community. School construction constituted the major portion of WPA projects in Oklahoma. This testifies to the commitment to the future on the part of the WPA. During the 1930’s construction of this school provided destitute men with jobs and brought money into the community at a time when money supplies were severely limited. Architecturally the building is unique for its belvedere which is most uncommon for structures of this type.[1]

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Go approximately 5 miles north of Jay on U.S. highway 59 to a 208 square foot acre in the northwest corner of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 6, T 23 N, R 24 E.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Delaware County – Delaware School



  1. Les Potter

    My grandfather, Frank Potter was a contractor in Jay and was the foreman/builder of this school in the 1930’s……

    • gsullaway

      Would love to get more information about your grandfather’s work involved with this project and perhaps some photos during the build. If interested just email me.

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