Address: 218 State Highway 81, Medford, Oklahoma CountyGrant
Started: 1937Completed1938

Current Usage

County Property


The Grant County Jail is a two-story, rectangular (71′ x 53′) structure constructed of red brick laid with a running bond. A water table is of concrete. The roof is flat with parapets. The east entrance protrudes from the building and consists of a single door at the top of six steps. Fixed metal windows are single spaced with continuous concrete lintels and sills on the upper floor; lower floor windows rest between slip sills and concrete lintels. There are two garage doors on the south. A two-story brick addition impairs the integrity of the original structure.
The Grant County Jail is significant as a WP A project designed to aid local government through the creation of temporary jobs for unemployed workers during the Depression and through the construction of an expanded facility for the sheriff’s department. Still in use today, the jail is unique as a WPA building for its type, style, materials, superb workmanship, and excellent state of preservation. Within the community, the structure is unique in terms of its type and style.[1]

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: From the NE corner of Block 10, Medford original, go west 208 feet, south 208 feet, east 208 feet and north 208 feet.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Grant County – Grant County Jail
