Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Herd School – Bowring (Vic)

Address: Vicinity of Bowring, Oklahoma County: Osage
Started: Completed: 1940

Current Usage:

Private Property


A three-room structure originally, the Herd School building is constructed of rusticated and coursed native sandstone. It is T-shaped (35′ x 72′, with a 34′ x 25′ extension), and the roof, now covered by composition shingles, is hipped. The main entryway is covered by a gabled porch supported by two wood shafts. Original wood sash windows extend to the eaves; window sills are of cut stone. Under the T or the rear an addition of concrete blocks has been constructed, but this alteration has not distroyed the architectural integrity of the structure.
Situated in a community isolated by the expanses of northern Osage County, the Bigheart School constituted the principal manifestation of the WPA in a region at least 150 square miles in size. In a much larger area it is the only WPA-built structure that remains. As such the building had an educational significance of major proportion, providing a modern facility that promoted progressive standards of education. Within the community it is wholly unique in terms of type, style, materials and workmanship. And as a WPA structure it is notable for its T-shape and a principal entryway that extends off the underside of the T parallel to the stem.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: The property is one mile east of the intersection of state highways Nos. 10 and 99, on the north side of the road and begins at a point 832 feet east and 1040 feet north of the southwest corner of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 35, T 28 N, R 10 E abd goes 208 feet east, 208 feet north, 208 feet west and 208 feet south.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Osage County – Herd School


1 Comment

  1. Lesta LaMar Sims

    I went to school here for first and second grade. My older brother went all the way through 8th grade at Herd.
    When I was attending school there, first through 4th was in one room and 5th through 8th was in the other room, with a stage at one end. Mrs. Winnie Labadie taught the younger grades and I think the principal, Mr. Wood(s) taught the other.
    We actually drove by there today and it is at least have fallen in.

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