Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Murdaugh Hall, University of Central Oklahoma – Edmond

Address: CountyOklahoma

Current Usage:


On February 11, 1936, the PWA approved a $1,700,000 grant to seven state teachers’ colleges for construction of dormitories. At Central State Teacher College, two dorms, one to house 300 women and one to house 150 men, were planned. The Architect Guy Reid promised comfortable buildings that were more serviceable and “superior in design.”

Murdaugh Hall was the first to be built. It had two wings, a connecting terrace and a cafeteria open to all students. Accommodations in both dorms were the same. Dormitory rooms had two of everything: closets, beds, chest of drawers, desks, chairs and bookcases all made of high-grade maple as well as a lavatory and medicine cabinet.[1]


  1. Edmond Historical Society
  2. The Living New Deal

Supported Documents:


University of Central Oklahoma –


  1. Teddy Hardney

    Where is the WPA plaque located on the building?

    • gsullaway

      It was remove sometime in the past. There is a WPA stamp in the sidewalk outside.

      • zwhitlock

        Could you be more specific on location outside?

        • gsullaway

          There is a WPA stamp on the south side of the dorm building on the sidewalk. Although this would imply that the sidewalk was the WPA funded project the complete dorm building was also a WPA funded project. There are no specifics of the amount of funding since there is no entry in the Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory database. You can find more information in the UCO archives section of the library since they do have construction photos of the project.

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