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Osage Agency Administrative Building Annex – Pawhuska

Address:819 Grandview Ave Pawhuska, OK 74056County: Osage
Started: Completed: 1939
AgenciesWPANRHP:May 17, 1974

Current Usage:

Osage Nation Museum


Two story and rectangular (48′ x 33′), the Osage Agency Administrative Annex is constructed of rusticated and coursed native sandstone. The mortar is beaded. The roof is flat with parapets that are capped with pre-formed concrete blocks. Metal casements, resting on cut stone sills, fill one-half windows. First and second story windows are perpendicularly placed in a plane recessed from the exterior surface and that extends from the top of the second story window to the ground. Perpendicular placement also applies to the exterior doors, the top one leading to the second floor and the bottom one to the first floor.
The Agency Building Annex is significant in that it is one of the few WPA-constructed buildings associated with an Indian tribe–despite the large number of Native American groups in Oklahoma. Architecturally it is unique in terms of its two stories with entryways on each level. That its construction provided job opportunities for destitite whites and Indians during the course of the disastrous national deprression is particularly significant.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: From the south east corner of the “Osage Agency Reserve” on the original Pawhuska plat, go west 400 feet (to the alley), then north 150 feet and east 50 feet to a point of beginning, then go 50 feet east, 40 feet north, 50 feet west and 40 feet south.

“The Osage Tribal Museum, originally constructed in 1872, is housed in a building finished with native Oklahoma sandstone.  Originally used as a chapel, school and dormitory as a two-story structure with an auditorium, it was remodeled in 1937 as a one-story building and museum.  Each stone was carefully removed and put back.  The building’s cupola was retained and is a distinguishing feature of the edifice…

The adaptive reuse of the building to a museum was funded as a Public Works Administration (WPA) project and carried out by the CCC.  At the time of its opening in 1938, it was the only museum in the world owned by an American Indian tribe.” [3]

The Agency is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.[4]


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination
  2. The Living New Deal
  3. Osage Tribal Museum
  4. National Archives, RG 69 Records of the Work Projects Administration, “Information Service (Primary) File, 1936-1942.” 
  5. National Register of Historic Places

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Osage County – Osage Agency Administrative Building Annex
  2. National Register of Historic Places Support Document
  3. National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form



  1. Anna Jefferson

    Can the above images be used commercially? I’m an Indie writer. There are changes to the buildings and they don’t exactly look like this anymore. That’s so wonderful to see how things have changed.

    • gsullaway

      This images are from the Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Database which is maintained by the Oklahoma Historical Society. You may request copyright permission from this agency.

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