Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Wardville School – Wardville

Address: E1625 Rd, Wardville, OklahomaCounty: Atoka
Started: Completed: 1939

Current Usage:


A three room facility, the Wardville school building is a single story, rectangular (59′ x 60′) structure constructed of untooled native stone. Masonry is random rubble in style with beaded mortar; the roof line is gable. The recessed, twin door entry way is asymetrically placed under a cross gable. Some window openings, with cut stone sills, have been filled with wood inserts, but the original integrity of the building remains intact.
The school building is significant because construction of it provided a new physical environment that promoted the cause of learning in an area noted for educational apathy. It also gave employment opportunities in a rural area for unskilled laborers that had been without work for years. Architecturally the building is unique in the community because of its type, style, scale, materials and workmanship.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: From state highway No. 131, turn north on the main street/county road, going through the community of Wardville to its northern edge, where the road jogs at the site of the school building, which is located on property described as the southwest most acre (208′ x 208′) in the SW 1/4, of the NE 1/4, of Sec. 10, T 2 N, R 12 E.

Coordinates: 34.65905 -96.03073


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Atoka County – Wardville School



  1. Jerri Breger

    I have used this building for several family gatherings and was wondering if it’s still available for use. If so who would I need to contact for information. It’s the perfect location and plenty of room. Thank you

    • gsullaway

      I do not have contact information for this structure, you might look at the county or city records to ask about the ownership of the property.

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