Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

West Lawn Cemetery Fence – Henryetta

Address: Vicinity of Henryetta, Oklahoma County: Okmulgee
Started: Completed: 1939

Current Usage:



This cemetery stone fence measures 3/ 10 of a mile along its street front and has two entrances. It is constructed of rusticated, uncoursed and coursed native stone of buff color. The main entrance has white rock pediments. The fence goes across the front and along the east side of the cemetery. The west side of the fence has been taken down to enlarge the cemetery. A black iron gate and concrete pediments at the corner entrance have been added. The alterations do not impeach the integrity of the stone fence.
Construction of this stone fence provided jobs for unskilled and unemployed workers in Henryetta and improved the quality of the cemetery. Through this project, the WPA infused wages of some 4,800 man-hours of labor into the local economy. It also enhanced property values in the area. Architecturally, the fence is a work of art. It is unique in terms of materials, scale, and quality of workmanship.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Go west of Henryetta on highway no. 75/62 Bus., 1. 5 miles to the cemetery site; the nominated property begins at a point 228 feet south of the NE corner of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 11, T 11 N, R 12 E and goes 1600 feet west, 75 feet south, 1600 feet east, and 75 feet north.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Okmulgee County – West Lawn Cemetery Fence


1 Comment

  1. Mike Price

    My Grandfather helped build this stone fence. he said went from a masons helper to a stone mason. good WPA project

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