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Winganon Gym/Auditorium – Chelsea (Vic)

Address: Vicinity of Chelsea, Oklahoma County: Rogers
Started: Completed: 1938

Current Usage:



This gymnasium is a single-story, rectangular (7 5′ x 81 ‘) structure constructed of rusticated native stone of buff color. The masonry is crude. There was an attempt at cutting the stone and coursing it. The building has a flat roof with parapets and the entry is covered with trees and bushes. The windows panes have been removed. Hay is now stored within the structure. Large trees block the view of this gymnasium/auditorium.
This WPA project provided jobs for unskilled and unemployed people at a time when work opportunities were few in this remote and rural area. The type, style, materials, and especially scale of this gymnasium /auditorium make it unique within this area. No other structure in the vicinity is of comparable size.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Go north of Chelsea on highway 28, 1 1/4 miles then west on highway no. 28, 7 miles to the gym site which is located on a tract of land in the SW, SW, SW beginning at a point 324 feet east of the SW corner of Sec. 13; thence 157 feet east along the section line; thence north 330 feet; thence west 157 feet; thence south 330 feet to the point of origin in Sec. 13, T 24 N, R 16 E.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Rogers County – Winganon Gym/Auditorium



  1. Ray

    Is this location available for purchase? I can’t find any further information other than it’s abandoned.

  2. Marilyn

    I stayed in that building as a child in the late 80’s early 90’s. Some family friends were living in it. If the walls could talk.

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