Address: Taylor and Oak Streets, Hillsdale, Oklahoma 73743CountyGarfield

Current Usage:

Christian School


The old Hillsdale School is a single-story, essentially T-shaped (74′ x 46′) building constructed of light red brick. The north wall, however, is of darker red used brick-­apparently material taken from an older school building on the property. The roof, with a belfry-like ventilator, is gabled, with an intersecting cross gable on the rear as well as the front. The front gable, constructed of wood and supported by wood shafts, extends over the recessed, two-door front entry and concrete steps. Metal sash windows that extend to the eaves rest on brick sills; on the front they are placed by sixes while on the sides they are by fives. A metal sided building has been placed by the side of east end of the original structure. It does not impair the integrity of the WPA building.
The exceptional significance of the Hillsdale School lies in the fact that it constitutes an educational resource for the community of continuing importance. Replacing an outdated and dilapated structure, it enabled the school district to offer a curriculum and an environment in keeping with the demands of modern and progressive education. That attendance increased upon its completion reflects this development and that it continues as an educational facility suggests its long-term impact. Construction also enabled those destitute workers assigned to the project to reclaim some self-respect in their abilities to provide for their families and infused wages from some 30,000 man-hours of labor into the local economy, preventing further individual destitution and further deterioration of main street business establishments. Architecturally, the use of brick in construction of the Hillsdale School reflects the importance of that type of material in WPA projects in northcentral Oklahoma and distinguishes it from similar projects in other parts of the state.[1]

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: That part of Lot 13, Block 28, and Lots 14 through 24,Block 28, Coldwater original described as follows: from intersection of Oak and Taylor Streets, 40 feet east to point of beginning, then 208 feet north, 74 feet east, 208 feet south, 74 feet west to point of origin. 


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Garfield County – Hillsdale School
