Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Satterwhite School – Elmore City

Address: Vicinity of Elmore City, Oklahoma County: Garvin
Started: Completed: 1939

Current Usage:

Private Property


A single story, originally a four class building, the old Satterwhite school is rectangular (75′ x 45′) and constructed of rusticated and coursed native sandstone. The roof is hipped, with a small intersecting gable that extends above the front entry. Doors on the front and sides are recessed behind archways. Window openings, with cut stone sills, rise to the eaves and are presently filled with wood inserts and smaller aluminum, sash windows. The inserts and a small wood frame structure at the south end have not impaired the architectural integrity of the building.
SIGNIFICANCE: 1938-1939; architect/builder: Okla. State Dept. of Education pattern book
Within the rural community of Satterwhite, the school building is architecturally significant in terms of type, style, materials and nature of workmanship. Equally important is that the structure introduced modern education into the region, facilitating the educational process. Also significant is that construction of the building provided job opportunities for destitute workers long on the relief rolls of the state, enabling them to secure a measure of economic security for themselves and their families.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Situated one-half mile west and four miles south of Elmore City on State Highway No. 74, the old school property begins at the NW corner of Sec. 15, T 1 N, R 2 W, and goes south 264 feet, east 330 feet, north 264 feet and west 330 feet.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Garvin County – Satterwhite School



  1. Shirley

    OMG, that pic is unbelievable. I went to school there in 1948 before going to Elmore High School. There were two classrooms. Mrs. Roller taught 1-4. Mr Roller taught 5-8. There was a little lunchroom in the back of the bldg. Mrs Ivey was the cook.

  2. Shirley Mitchell

    I went to school there in 1948 before going to Elmore High School. There were two classrooms. Mrs Roller taught grades 1-4. Mr Roller taught 5-8. Mrs. Ivey had a lunchroom set up in the back room. We all loved her cooking. I remember one time they had a box supper in the other end.

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