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Hickory School Bus Barn/Teacherage – Roff (Vic)

Address: Vicinity of Roff, Oklahoma County: Murray
Started: Completed: 1938

Current Usage:


The old Hickory School bus barn/teacherage is a two-story (apartment above, garage below), rectangular (36′ x 27′) structure constructed of tooled and randomly laid native stone. The shingled roof is gabled with clapboard siding within the gable. The upper floor front is sided with wood shingles. It has garage doors on the front-bottom and an upstairs entry with a wooden porch and steps on the west side. The wood sash windows have concrete sills, and the roof has projecting eaves.
Architecturally a bus barn/teacherage combination structure is most unusual, virtually one of a kind in terms of WPA-constructed facilities. Within the community it is most unique not only in type, but also in style, materials and workmanship. The building is also significant because construction of it and a now in ruins gymnasium virtually saved the school for the town of Hickory. Because of inadequate facilities the school had been selected for consolidation, but provision of new school structures by the WPA staved off that spectre. literally, modern education came to Hickory with the WPA. Construction also helped to preserve the self respect and economic productivity of unemployed laborers left jobless by the depression by providing them an opportunity for useful and gainful employment.

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Go five miles south and one mile west of Roff to building site, it being situated in Lots 5 through 12 in Block 36, Hickory original plat, and includes a tract ten feet east, north, west and south of the east, north, west and south exterior walls of the building with the UTM identified above.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Murray County – Hickory Bus Barn and Teacherage


1 Comment

  1. Whitney vanzant

    I would like as much information you have on hickory school we own the property

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