Following Oklahoma's survival during the Great Depression

Zena School – Jay (Vic)

Address: Vicinity of Jay, OklahomaCounty Delaware
Started: Completed 1937

Current Usage


This small (39′ x 26′) rectangular shaped building is constructed of random ashlar with beaded mortar. It has a gable roof with a pedimented center gable and projecting eaves. The front entry is arched with cut stone keystone. The wood door with lights is recessed and topped with a transcom. An additional side entry consists of a single wood door with lights. It is protected by a hood supported by brackets. The windows are all covered over by wood insets. They originally reached to the eaves and had concrete sills.
The construction of a school in an isolated rural community such as Zena illustrates the WPA’s commitment to the future of this country’s children. Construction of the school provided employment to destitute farmers who spent the money locally helping to stimulate the depressed economy. The school provided educational facilities to area children and fostered a sense of pride among area residents. The school is notable for its pedimented center gable design and for its arched entryway.[1]

VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Go 4 miles north from Jay, then 4 miles east to a tract of land commencing 210 feet east of the NW corner of the north 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 9, T 23 north, R 23 east; running east 105 feet; thence south 210 feet; thence west 105 feet; thence north 210 feet to the place of origin.


  1. Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory Nomination

Supported Documents:

  1. WPA Properties Delaware County – Zena School


1 Comment

  1. Vonnie Buentemeier

    My entire family attended school in this building. My baby sister only when for a short time before my parents moved to Oak Grove school district. Sure sad to see building was torn down..

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